
Aug 25, 2010

i'm so sori

i'm so sori...sejak2 ni mimie mmg really2 bizi cket...macam2 hal nk kena uruskan..keje lak bertimbun2 nk kena siapkan...sekarang ni bolan pose so bertambah2 la kebizian yang mimie hadapi sekarang ni...rushing ke bazar and kedai...bila dok bazar rasa kne cepat balik kedai...bila kat kedai rasa mcm nk dok bazar...bizi sangat2 sehingga nk mengapdate pn mimie x sempat...cian cik belong ni sunyi tanpa pengupdatean mimie...

hari ni mimie dah 2 ari dok rumah...x gerak g mne2...just karang buka mimie kena g kedai cz mereka tunggu tuk berbuka ni dok umh pn kena gak buat keje...ari ni x gerak ke mana2 cz mimie demam panas...huhuu~~!!!semalam abis setengah botol obat batuk mimie telan tp skrg ni x ok lg...uit...mst korg igt mimie x pose kn...mimie pose full lg tau skrg ni...dh masuk 15 ari mimie puasa...

hari ni dok umh nk menghabiskan membaca novel yg baru je mimie beli...
"kau laksana bulan by aina emir"

Aug 8, 2010

...for u...

When u come into my life, hold myself..
I would love u and never gonna hurt u...
u were my best everything..

I know u were happy now..

wherever u are...
and me..
Here I am..
Those all memories..
it's all gone now..
How can I forget..??
How can I start over once again...??

I'm sorry if u see my life now...

falling apart..
I know i can't get u back..
I want be seeing u ....
For The Rest of My Life...

It's more than a year...

the most painful time...
I ever had..
the sadness of the night brings back ...
the day we had..
the the time u let go of me...
the moment..
that i surrounded u even silence ...
reminds me..of all...........
the sorrow...
the pain....
and my hopelessness....

Let me suffer in silence..

till I get over u..
I can let u go.....
I will be once again..
hear me say last Time... 
" I have found the essence of my life ..
I have discovered a world thats beautiful because of u....."

I ' letting go of u's time to set my self  free now...


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